Roshni, the organisation created by Safdar Siddiqi, will now work as a “Think Tank” for highlighting the national issues. Visitors to this website from all walks of life shall suggest areas of such research affecting Pakistan directly. Some of the areas initially selected for research are listed below:
Electoral Reforms
Constitutional Amendments
Controlling the Pakistani Recession
Solving the Water Issue
Public Transport in Pakistan
Facing the Terror Threat
Handling the Indian Challenge
You may indicate other such issues that, in your view, need national consideration. We will short list first 10 research areas for 2010. Roshni will compile draft policy papers on the selected issues with assistance from the members of this website; and place these on this website for final comments from the members for further improvement. Policy papers will, then, be sent to concerned government and non-government establishments for their consideration.
We are looking forward to active participation from you and your family & friends.
Best Regards
Iftikhar Hasan Siddiqi